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Old 09-02-2011, 12:55 AM   #135
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: The Lord's answer to Job

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Still weak. Tell us about the man god is makin. Quote those verses. And where is the verse in Job that says the purpose of man is to express God?

Please go on...
The man that God is makin is in the NT, Ephesians refers to him as "The New Man", 1Cor refers to him as "The New Creation". Jesus is a man that meets this standard, He is the image of the invisible God, we are being made into his image. This is revealed in the NT, Job is the introduction to this revelation. Anyone who cannot see the direct parallel in the account of Job to Jesus is willfully closing their eyes.

Of course I suppose it is comforting that someone who would say the following disagrees with my understanding.

Post #64
Awareness: "rotflmao ... And you are right. I stand corrected. The book of Job is a comedic/tragedy.

I could elaborate ... if you like. But you and others prolly won't like it.

After my son died I was drawn to read the book of Job. So I read it over and over again, until it hit me, and I busted out laughing. The book has never been the same since to me. It really makes God, and the devil, buffoons."
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
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