Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
The question comes from the book of Job. In this book there are many complaints about the way God has behaved, his response is that He is building a man and then asks those that contend with him simple questions about building the Earth. They are clueless about building something so simple as the Earth yet feel they are qualified to critique God's building a man. God's point is "who is this that darkens counsel without knowledge". I have asked a simple question of Zeek which proves he is clueless about how to build a simple building. The purpose was simply to demonstrate that he is darkening counsel without knowledge.
The question is simple, and the point is simple: if you don't know the simplest thing about building a building, who are you to tell God how to make the universe?
I can agree with that. My comment was more to whether discussing cardboard boxes as temporary building material is meaningful to the discussion of the existence of evil and God at the same time.
Of course, I will admit that sometimes the argument that we think is the most ridiculous actually convinces someone.