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Old 09-01-2011, 01:07 PM   #121
Guest Poster
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 40
Default Re: Elvis has left the building

I would agree.

That fact there is love ,beauty, mercy, empathy, conscience, hate, anger supports an idea of God.

We behave like there is order, that human beings do matter, were more than just a mash up oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and water. We pretend that there are human rights, that suffering and pain matter, that you have feelings and we have a moral duty to so and so.

But where does this come from? In the belief and pursuit of science? Hardly. Because society functions better when we cooperate?

None of this has come from atheism from my understanding. If God didnt exist I wonder why everyone isn't trying to grab as much as they get. I mean after all to them we only got this life and nothing else.
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