Originally Posted by Ohio
The Anderson's have written much about this. Because BM's sins were covered up, he was able to repeat them and thus damage other sisters and their families. BP was totally inept at following Biblical instruction.
In another post, Hope was in a meeting with several TX leaders when the news was discovered. The brothers were outraged. BP then decided to call WL. It was WL who suggested their course of action -- relocate and coverup and silence the concerned. WL did the exact same things when junior got caught, so he was good at it by then.
I always say that all the evil in this world is done by people with "good heart". The Bible tells us that our heart is deceitfully wicked, people who claim they have a good heart have deceived themselves as well.
There is a higher standard for an elder than for others, and I think it includes being reprimanded before all when they sin. I see it along the lines of Samson, that reprimand may do more good for the Body of Christ than all of their previous labor combined. It is about going through the experience of the cross and despising the shame.
The real confusion occurs when more than one person are involved in a sin. For example, if you want to publicize PL molesting a sister, will the sister also be shamed and how do you feel about that. So it is possible for a victim to be victimized twice. If you try to cover that part up and hide her identity it will be almost impossible to do without lying and being involved in a cover up. These are tough calls. Also, leaders of the LRC are not omnipotent, they may want things to work out a certain way, but what are you going to do. You can't control what BM and others do and say. The point is it is very difficult to deal with sin in a "clean" way that doesn't involve further problems.