09-01-2011, 09:18 AM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Florida
Posts: 4,223
Re: Elvis has left the building
The premise Evil exists therefore God cannot exist has been bounced around for centuries. I firmly believe that logically it is no longer a valid argument. However emotionally I can see one holding onto that when they have suffered greatly and have not seen from their perspective intervention or have been alleviated from their suffering.
Show me how it is invalid then.
God has a morally sufficient reason to permit evil. The fact that evil exists and God exists is a logically coherent statement.
Those are unsupported statements.
Thanks I might check them out.
I encourage you to use the internet, there is ALOT of information ant material you can get your hands on. This is your belief and salvation at stake here. If God does exist certainly you would want to be on the right side.
If God’s salvation is by grace, I don’t need to worry about it do I ?
Just remember, when I made a statement that I could grow my hand into a knife in an alternate universe or in another universe the worst thing that can happen is a paper cut. What I was trying to establish is that Evil, Pain is relative. How do we know that God didnt already limit certain evils? We already know from the bible God locked away certain demons. So when you say the evilest evil, what does that mean???
If God has another universe where there is no evil, how does that compensate for the evil in this universe? How can an all powerful holy, righteous God allow evil to exist anywhere? Isn’t evil incompatible with his being?
From what I understand the problem of evil has been largely intellectually refuted. Emotional dislike or opinionated objections where God permits suffering is another entirely different argument.
Refuted by whom and for whom and how? It has not been refuted by anyone here as far as I can understand. All ethics, morality and compassion may be nothing more than emotionalism in which case should we stop objecting to rape, murder, and torture and just get jiggy with it?
What I want to offer is words of encouragement is that Christianity actually addresses evil and suffering. Many other belief systems do not.
Ex. Atheism. What we see is what exists. So the mentally and physically disabled child will never ever have a chance at a good life. Thats what you get and we have no answers. Suffering is just their so deal with it. Some are more lucky some are not. Your meager existence doesnt matter anyways. Their is no soul no spirit. Just a complex chemical reaction. Their is no love or beauty, just science. That is all.
If the truth is that there are answers then it would be reasonable for us to believe them. If the truth is that there are no answers, then it would be reasonable to accept that.