Thread: Evil Books
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Old 08-31-2011, 07:00 PM   #17
Join Date: Aug 2008
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Default Re: Evil Book #4

WITNESS LEE: "I said that being in the army is different from being a citizen. Not everyone in a country is in the army. Gideon eventually only had 300 who became his army (Judg. 7:7). I went to Taipei in 1984 because I was burdened for an army to be raised up who would practice the God-ordained way, but I did not have the intention or the expectation for all the saints in the recovery to be the same". (p. 11, The Problems Causing the Turmoils)

Ironically, WL's book called The Problems Causing the Turmoils in the Church Life did not talk about the real problems causing turmoil, and thus missed the mark. The problems causing the turmoils essentially came from the plan and the execution to make all the churches and the saints the same.

In the Wake of the New Way excerpt (2000, written 11 years ago)

Genuine Oneness Not Pursued
"Although brother Lee called for the respect to be given those saints or churches not taking the new way, I do not know where that was done, how that was done, or if it was done. The atmosphere that was created was not conducive for a genuine acceptance of non-cooperating churches and members and I don't know how such acceptance could have been possible. For instance, in a meeting in Taipei I attended in October 1987, brother Lee ended his message abruptly, pounding his fist on the table once, and pronouncing emphatically that anyone who didn’t take the new way was foolish, and then he sat down. This was not a demonstration of acceptance.

"Another word he gave was to the elders: 'Now you know where I am and where you should be. Also, you know what all of us should do -- go to fight as an army and in the army. Who are the us? Those that are in the army fighting for this ministry.' (Eldrs Trng, Book 7, One Accord for the Lord's New Move)

"This wasn’t a word of comfort or peace to those brothers or churches not in the army. Brother Lee had a vision and he had a goal, and the atmosphere in the recovery did not allow for a comfortable divergence from his objectives.

"This was the spirit of the new way, a spirit very much of power, but not love. It was obtrusive in its pursuit for the one accord, while failing to consider, care for, or accommodate those strewn in its wake. The modus operandi of the new way violated the genuine oneness of the Body with all its precious members".

Link to In the Wake of the New Way

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