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Old 08-31-2011, 01:44 PM   #89
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Elvis has left the building

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
So, is the evil we experience from our perspective an illusion? Because if it isn't then the perfectly good God is allowing evil when he didn't have to because he could have prevented it with his omnipotence. There are horrendous evils in this world, and the slightest evil is a contradiction to an absolutely perfect God.

If what we think is evil is really good, then there is no evil. If that's true then why did Christ have to die to save us from our sins?
I have already shared about the two perspectives. From our perspective it has been 6,000 years since Adam. Once the Lord returns it is another 1,000 years for the millenial kingdom. All told it is over 7,000 years. I rounded up to 10,000 years to eliminate any trivial arguments over the total length of time. I then compared that to the age of the Universe.

I then compared the age of the Universe to the time spent building the Irving meeting hall. A time frame that from our perspective we can understand. 10,000 years is to the age of the universe as 37 seconds is to the time spent building the Irving meeting hall. That is assuming that the work proceeded 24 hours a day which is the most advantageous view.

My point is, what to you appears to be a long time is to God an instant in time. Those are the two perspectives. Neither is an illusion. Just like time lapse photography or super slow motion.

How do you come to the conclusion that the slightest evil is a contradiction to God. Is foolishness a contradiction to wisdom? Is rebellion a contradiction to authority? OBW pointed out that much of what you call evil is actually the result of man exercising his free will. If the only possible choice was the one God ordained, then you could argue that "free will" is an illusion, much like an election where there is only one candidate, or an election where you want to vote for the one that isn't a corporate shill, but both candidates are merely corporate puppets.

This is similar to saying that if God is a Chess Grandmaster, and He creates Chess, that there cannot be any idiot chess players because it is a contradiction of some sort?
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