Originally Posted by zeek
No. I'm an ex-local churcher. That's my qualification for being here. I think these question are appropriate to a the forum theme of "O Lord where do we go from here" and the thread title "Elvis has left the building> Don't you.
I remember i was having a theological discussion when I was at a training and a brother got in my face and started shouting "O Lord Jesus" at me. He wanted me to shut up. Then I stopped talking and he kept shouting "O Lord Jesus" at me. He wanted me to start calling on the Lord with so I would STOP THINKING.
That's what you would like me to do isn't it Ohio? You want to censure me so that I will stop talking, or stop thinkin or just go away. One might conclude that you want me to leave because you don't want to think about such questions yourself.
Yet I will point out in my defense that I have been polite and civil and reasonable regardless whether you agree with me or not. I have not used obscentiy or profanity or called names or made accusations. So really, there is no reasonable basis for censuring my posts.
Zeek, why would you needle and provoke a brother to that point? What were you saying that so infuriated him? This seems to say more about you than that poor brother in the LC. Perhaps he did not want you to "stop thinking," but to start believing in Jesus, start listening to and trusting the Lord, start reading and obeying His word, and stop your unbelief, stop your doubting, stop your railing.
I'm not censuring anybody. I'm an ex-LCer also and last month I had trouble with my Hot Water Heater, so I went to a HWH forum to discuss it. That was the right place. The same is the case here. You seem to have issues with God and His behavior, rather than the Recovery and its behavior. I feel that forums are the greatest thing about the internet, but you have to find the right forum for your questions.
Let me be the first to inform you that you will never get a satisfactory answer for your complaints about God. The Lord commands us to believe, and it's as simple as that. I didn't make the rules, He did. The Bible makes it clear that faith alone in Christ alone is necessary for our salvation.