Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
A truly omnipotent God could create two perspectives of time. In His perspective, yes, He snaps his fingers and it is done. In our perspective it is a a painfully slow process in which we move from glory to glory, and this temporary suffering that we go through works out for us an eternal weight of glory. In the end we are trained and impressed by every single misstep that we could take and how important it is and how wise it is to follow God's leading and guiding.
Then not only do we get a perfect world at the snap of God's fingers, but we also get a Body of people who are trained and perfected.
So, is the evil we experience from our perspective an illusion? Because if it isn't then the perfectly good God is allowing evil when he didn't have to because he could have prevented it with his omnipotence. There are horrendous evils in this world, and the slightest evil is a contradiction to an absolutely perfect God.
If what we think is evil is really good, then there is no evil. If that's true then why did Christ have to die to save us from our sins?