Originally Posted by Indiana
I tried to be; I tried to take his view. But in the depths of my being there was a nagging disappointment. Nothing had been dealt with. No wrongs had been righted. The root was not touched. The question loomed before us, What shall we do now? I knew I had to be true to my conscience and the truth I had seen."
This has been my experience...trying to go on positively. Just as this brother shared, "I tried to take this view." How could I had gone positively while double-standards was permeating the ministry? Double standard being no forum to speak a loving word towards the brothers who left, while at least the locality I was in took for a number of weeks a Holy Word for Morning Revival on the Rebellious Ones. I took this as an attack via innuendo towards brothers who had left in 1990.
"What shall we do know?" Difficult question. I wanted to be one with all Christian in my city..including those who meet with the local churches. Nearly my entire existence as a Christian and as human being was through the local church movement. The next question was where do I go? There's no right answer to be given. It is between God and yourself. Just as the brother had stated, "I knew I had to be true to my conscience and the truth I had seen."