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Old 08-31-2011, 11:30 AM   #79
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Default Re: Elvis has left the building

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
I have argued for years that if you live in a serious flood plain, oceanside in the obvious hurricane paths, or 6 feet below sea level between a lake and a major river, you get either zero, or at most one crack at a hand out. Once you take a dime of disaster relief, if you go right back where you were, you are on your own. It's like sailing the Pacific Ocean in a life raft and demanding that every ocean-going ship that passes by give you a hand-out rather than letting them take you out of the ocean. If you demand the hand-out, you get one. Then you are on your own.
First time hand-outs become entitlements, then entitlements become rights, and rights are protected by the constitution.
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