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Old 08-31-2011, 07:14 AM   #65
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Default Re: Elvis has left the building

How do you guys quote like that?

Earlier I quoted a paraphrase of Epicurus’ questions. I’m didn’t quote anybody in the post you responded to.

Premise, God cannot exist because evil exists.

I insert, unless God has a morally sufficient reason to do so. As long as this is plausible then the premise is incorrect.

1. Free will argument. Due to the fact the humans have choice, and we originally chose to dis-obey God, sin and evil entered. God did not create mindless drones. He wants us to love and choose him.

Yes but have do we really know that all have chosen to disobey? Further, humans aren’t the only sources of evil. There are also natural catastrophes, so called “acts of God” Also, infants suffer evil even before they have the ability to make a choice. How do explain that?

In another reality I could fashion my hand into a sword. Or in another reality a paper cut was the worst thing that can happen to you.
I’m not sure where you are going with this.

2. When a first born is born into the world. The parents do everything for their kid. As he grows up he chooses to learn how to hold a cup, tie his own shoe laces, cross a street by himself, go to school, pick a university, a wife have kids himself. Part of parenting is knowing how to let go but doing your best to supply your kids with knowledge of right and wrong and good decision making skills. Their is NO guarantee however that perfect parents will yield perfect children. It is ultimately the child's choice to choose his ways no matter the influence. Sure the parents could put their kids in a padded white room, isolate all contact from other humans and subject him to no fear no evil no life. But of course we all know that wouldnt be humane. If God wanted mindless worship or beings that do as their told every time and all the time it wouldnt be us.

I answered this argument above.

3. The truth is and according to the bible, God loves all of us. His heart breaks when we sin and are separated from him. The fact is that God is good and holy. He cannot and does not accept sin or evil so unfortunately their is Gods wrath. Evil is not from God but in his absence hence no contradiction.

That does not answer the question why God allows innocents to suffer.

4. The bible talks alot about suffering. It does not ignore it. Anyways im at work so I'll elaborate on it next time but we can obtain joy and peace through suffering. "Take Joy my brothers when you face trials of many kinds. For the testing of your faith develops perseverance" Christianity has the best (in my opinion) world view on suffering.

That’s fine for you and me. But what about the young child or the mentally retarded who do not have the ability to understand why they are suffering? Why does God allow them to suffer?

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