Re: Witness Lee's economy
and further...
Below is a direct quote from Wuest Word Studies from the Greek New Testament - Volume II - page 28, first paragraph...
"The word "edifying" is the translation of oikodomian, "edification." The correct reading is oikonomian, made up of oikos, "house", and nomos, "law", the compound word meaning the affairs of a household. The word here (1 Tim 1:4) refers to the scheme or order of God's salvation as devised and administered by God, the method of God's salvation in the life of a believing sinner."
Also, Alfred Marshall's Interlinear, NASB-NIV Parallel New Testament in Greek and English - translates the Greek word Oikonomian directly as STEWARDSHIP -
Wikipedia defines STEWARDSHIP as an ethic that embodies responsible planning and management of resources. The concept of stewardship has been applied in diverse realms, including with respect to environment, economics, health, property, information, and religion, and is linked to the concept of sustainability. Historically, stewardship was the responsibility given to household servants to bring food and drinks to a castle dining hall. The term was then expanded to indicate a household employee's responsibility for managing household or domestic affairs.
All of this sounds very much like what Witness Lee taught. He always said "I stand on the shoulders of others." So to even call the heading of this discussion "Witness Lee's economy" is misleading.
- a genuine believer