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Old 08-30-2011, 01:11 PM   #52
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Default Re: Elvis has left the building

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
Discussion of the depravity of humanity brings to mind the following questions for your consideration:

"If God is willing to prevent evil, but is not able to

Then he is not omnipotent.

If he is able, but not willing
Then he is malevolent.

If he is both able and willing
Then whence cometh evil?

If he is neither able nor willing
Then why call him God?"
God has permitted evil because he has a morally sufficient reason to do so. The existence of evil does not put into question the 3 omni's of God.

Once we state that God has a morally sufficent reason to permit evil, the premise that God does not exist because evil exists is no longer a objective argument but has turned into a subjective premise based on ones perception of the world.

Hence now we have Awareness's dilemma. He has not seen a change in human nature based on his subset of experiences. God is not needed because he has not seen any change in any Christians that claim to be saved by God.

This is tough because this is beyond a intellectual objection that can be proved or dis proved but an emotional one. One can only hope that God will provide him with a witness to show that God does infact change us and fill us with the holy spirit till our cup overflows. I personally have been changed due to the holy spirit and know that I would have been a much different person without God in my life. But regardless all we can do is plant the seed and let God do the rest.
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