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Old 08-30-2011, 07:25 AM   #49
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Default Re: Elvis has left the building

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Once again, I am going to challenge this thinly disguised condemnation of the coming of Jesus Christ. awareness pulls out distorted comments from Genesis, coupled with the depravity of man, to prove that the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Christ has done nothing good for man.

God has wasted His time, Jesus Christ is an abject failure, the Spirit of God has nothing good to show us, and those pathetic Christians can't be trusted with the time of day -- these the continual assertions that awareness thrusts upon the forum. Let's be honest folks, the issues which awareness has are far deeper than his dozen or so abysmal years with WL and the LC's.

Has no life ever been changed by Jesus Christ? Has the love of God never affected mankind? Has the Spirit of God failed so miserably that not one soul has gone to the grave different than at birth? awareness would say "no, religion has failed to change human nature."

Methinks awareness speaks only for himself. His generalizations should apply to himself only. There is a bubble that needs to be popped -- and that's the bubble that awareness lives in.
I'm so encouraged for you bro Ohio. For someone that spent decades in a movement that eschewed religion, you now sure do jump quickly to its defense. That means you are finally shaking off the local church kool-aid. Good for you. I'm so happy for you.

I know Awareness sounds so gloomy about human nature. But why do you suppose that in the end God wipes out so many people? Isn't it likely that He sees how untenable human nature is, or that the writers of the end-time accounts saw how untenable human nature is?

And as far as Jesus and the Holy Spirit changing people for the good, maybe it would be best for your blood pressure if we don't go into that matter right now. Just the local church provides some bad examples in that regard ... and there are many many more examples.

And bro Ohio, we all live in a bubble. We can't help it ... we live within the limitations of our human perceptions ...
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