Thread: Evil Books
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Old 08-30-2011, 05:47 AM   #11
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Default Re: Evil Book #4

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

The situation with Judas was under God’s sovereignty to help Him accomplish His economy. In the same way, through the recent turmoil we have been disciplined, educated, and corrected, and many have been tested, stabilized, and established for the furtherance of God’s move in His economy. p. 10
Likening John Ingalls and other former leaders to Judas, who betrayed the Lord before his crucifixion, is especially obnoxious. Probably the two most notable traitors in history are Judas and Benedict Arnold. Just to label a person a "Judas" or a "Benedict Arnold," is to evoke all sorts of images of the worst kind.

There is no way that the facts of history allow us to believe that WL was somehow fooled by ambitious, power-grabbing "Blendeds" into believing twisted distortions about John Ingalls and others. This is the line of reasoning by many GLA brothers who just cannot accept (or care to know) the facts. They know John Ingalls and others could never have done what they were accused of, and yet they also have to relieve WL of all culpability, based on their illusions of him as an Apostle and MOTA.
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