Re: Evil Book #4
Witness Lee said that he,
"was forced to publish The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion, and the elders in the Californian churches were also forced to tell the churches on this globe what these people did."
p. 11, The Problems Causing the Turmoil
And that
"It was not an easy thing for me to publish the book entitled The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion. I considered very much before the Lord whether or not I should release the facts of the rebellious turmoil stirred up by certain ones. Many of the things that were a mystery to the saints. According to my discernment in the Lord, I eventually felt burdened to let the saints know. I documented every point in that book by writings and by verbal testimonies." p. 10
And, I also was forced to release the facts and "document every point by writings and verbal testimony", which counter the fictitious" and disingenuous reporting done in "official" accounts.