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Old 08-29-2011, 06:29 PM   #46
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Default Re: Elvis has left the building

Nice thoughts and points bro Leomom.

Some additional comments :

Originally Posted by Leomon View Post
Using the same method of thinking I would say governments have done society NO good and has been used to commit atrocities among human beings.
Government and religion, not much difference. Even political party's are like a religious choice.

We should have no governments because Communism, Capitalism, World Wars, have all been induced by tyrannical rule. Hitlers and his regime killed millions and millions of people so we should have no governments.
Sometimes I wonder why we do governments.

If I were Jewish and were persecuted by the Hitlers regime I would hate democracy because it also is another form of government.
Democracy : Two sheep and four wolves deciding what's fer dinner.

My experience with governments is that they do nothing but restrict your freedoms and persecute you.
Yep, sado/masochistic ... what did the sadist say to the masochistic when he asked the sadist to hurt him? Answer : NO ...

Do not let YOUR experience define what is objectively true or not.
Why not?

Christopher Hitchens feels about religion exactly the same way if not more than you. Christopher hates religion because he believes it poisons everything. He actively debates well known theologians in attempt to set free the "shackles" that religious organizations have against people.
Poor Hitchens ... he's dying from cancer. We should pray for him.

Why does he hate religion? He looks at the crusades, catholic molestation cases and the list can go on and on.
He says : God is not great. Cuz we've given God a bad name. Shame on us.

But he is forgetting one thing, the existence of God is not defined by people and is independent of religious actions. Just because a doctor kills doesnt mean medicine is murderous.
So it's not wise to just trust your doctor.

When Bill Clinton committed adultery it doesn't mean that all Presidents are sex maniacs.
But many have been ... but didn't get caught like Clintoon.

You cannot look at a subset of experiences and occurrences and apply it to the entire entity.
Who says?

You cannot win or lose this argument ever because it is circular.
Not trying to win anything... How about you win ...

There will always be great examples of Christianity and horrible examples of Christianity.
So you are saying take the bad with the good? Just accept the failings of human nature cuz it can't be changed? That's my point ; nothing changes human nature. When it comes to human nature, all religions, all philosophies, and all psychologies have failed us. Human nature wins.

Look at the problem logically and without opinionated biases and only then will you start to see why Christianity has a world view that works.
And fails to work to.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.
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