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Old 08-29-2011, 04:48 AM   #109
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Default Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Obama is not my beloved. I did not vote for him.

But how do you suppose Obama got elected? The voters were clearly tired of Bush, and his policies, that drove us into a huge hole, and unnecessary wars.

Or perhaps it was divine intervention? The Bible says God ordains the leaders of nations. Have you thanked God for placing Obama as the leader of the greatest nation in the world?
No. I think it was that people wanted change.

Or was it hope.
Or was it change you can hope for.
Or hope that gives correct change.
A chicken in every pot and a bicycle in every garage.

And when things did not go right, it was argued that the problem was too much time spent legislating and not enough telling us our values. (Don't think about that one too long.)

I have no idea about the Dominion movement. I just know that left, right, or centrist, people have reasons for being where they are. Few of them are simply stupid for it. But most are a little stupid about why others are not like them. Until these last three years, I was convinced that no matter how extreme either side seemed, once they were in power, it always moved toward the center because that is only place that sufficient consensus can be built.

But now we have almost fully come to the place where we expect that we will get it our way — conservative or liberal — or nothing will happen. So little does until there is that filibuster-proof, veto-proof majority that simply forces its will on the others, and even their own people. Why their own people? Because not all conservatives are "hunker in the bunker," "shoot 'em at the border," "pull yourself up you dimwit" extremists. And not all liberals are "give the government all your money and let them take care of everyone while we allow the world to overrun us" extremists. Most of us are neither extreme. Unfortunately, it seems that at primary time, only the extremes are motivated to vote. So the extremists get the nomination. And drive the rhetoric. And until recently, it was the main election that demonstrated the general will of the people, but only as a shift from center. That is because neither side starts with a clear majority. It takes a lot of shift within those independents. But this time it seems that the rhetoric of the primary extremists has remained fully entrenched. On both sides, with few exceptions.

And it seems that maybe the general population has learned how to vote the treasury. And the republic is doomed.

And I'm not the cynic in my household.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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