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Old 08-28-2011, 07:37 PM   #103
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Default Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
I have always felt that his association with that "church" in Chicago was purely political. Also, I feel his wife is certainly a Christian. Now if he is a muslim it would certainly be very "audacious" of him to run for president when we are in the midst of fighting a religious war with muslims.

That said it is of no importance to me. When someone runs for office and uses their "faith" as part of their image I compare that to the pharisees who make long prayers and wear robes in the market place. Campaigns are nothing more than marketing of the person, using your "faith" is no more than dressing that campaign up in a long robe.

Now you might feel that Bush and Cheney deserve some credit, I'll leave that to you, the bottom line is that Al Qaeda is clearly on the run and being destroyed. Going into Iraq after 911 was clearly inept when it comes to catching Osama. I feel that the war against Al Qaeda has been most effective in the last 2 1/2 years. Technology plays a big part in that, and the CIA developing contacts plays a big part. But it would be very disingenuous in my mind to not give Obama his due credit.

Also his decision to approve the Osama mission was very gutsy. His joke about the decisions that would keep him up at night, the same night, lets everyone know that this guy can play poker.

As far as I am concerned the economic catastrophe in this country is based on changes and deregulation that was enacted prior to Obama coming into office. I see no reason at all to laud him for the way he has handled the various economic crisis's but on the other hand, I don't feel he has much of the responsibility for them either. He was not responsible for the housing crisis and he didn't get us into the various wars. He has tried honestly to end the Iraq war and to defeat Al Qaeda and finish that war as well. Our recent downgrade by Standard and Poor's could be attributed to his playing the political game poorly, but even more it should be attributed to the games being played by Congress.

I think the impression of the US among Muslims since Obama has been elected has been improved. So in several ways I think the average american is safer since he has taken office.

The most immediate danger we are currently facing is "peak oil". Bush and Cheney understood that, but I disagree with the strategy they chose. I think Obama understands it as well but the Tsunami probably put the kabosh on his nuclear option. If we were really going to have a smooth transition to other forms of energy it would have happened at the time of Carter. I believe that when Reagan tore out the solar water heater and installed oil men throughout his cabinet that we embarked on a strategy that led us to 911, bankruptcy, and all the other related ills.
What a balanced post. How refreshing!

I don't think anyone knows who or what Obama is, even himself. Maybe since he's half black and half white he's a mixed bag on all levels. So he's white and black, and Christian and Muslim too. Who knows? Why does his religion matter at all? Who cares? He prays Christian prayers, if that means anything. I'm more interested in what he does.

I think those holding certainty of who they think Obama is are using false-omniscience to make their determinations. Only God is able to see into the heart. We're blind to those things. So we make 'em up, and call them facts.

But it's obvious by breaking his campaign promises, he's a smooth talkin con man. Everyone was sick of Dubya and Obama basically promised change, and not to be Bush.

But we see now that Obama has pretty much kept on the same path as Dubya, almost across the board. In the end he's Bush with black skin ... except for one thing. Bush didn't get Osama, and Obama did. Crafty move Obama ... and word on the street, and from military circles is that, Obama has Al-Qaeda on the run....
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