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Old 08-28-2011, 03:32 PM   #96
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Default Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
You are worried about Dominionism, and we got a Muslim in the White House? Do you have any idea what "scary" really means? Sarah Palin has other issues, but these "extreme views" should be of little concern to conservative Christians.

I used to listen to Terry Gross of Fresh Air, until I so sick of her ramming her liberal bias down our throats.

Obama IS a Muslim...not by choice, but by birth (see Osama Dadok) His father was a Muslim, his grandfather was a muslim and his step father was a muslim and he attended a Muslim school (all according to Obama's book).
It's funny, the only ones who KNOW he's a Muslim are Muslims! Everyone else is in denial.
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