Evil Books
The Problems Causing the Turmoils in the Church Life
This book, The Problems Causing the Turmoils in the Church Life, is composed of personal fellowship given by Brother Witness Lee to the elders in Canada on August 13-15, 1993 in Anaheim, California. - Preface
It joins the first three books of fiction and evil-speaking, A Response to Recent Accusations, The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion, and An Affirmation of the Proper Authority in the Body of Christ, by RK, WL, and AY, respectively.
This publication occurred three years after WL's messages that comprise the The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion. Elders who listened to this continued, and intensified, rhetoric on rebellion and conspiracy became increasingly entrenched in the lies which are disseminated in their LSM-churches today.
Whenever there has been a turmoil, we have learned to be simple by staying with the tree of life and staying away from anything related to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. p. 8
The recent turmoil rose up mainly to put me down. Certain ones decided not only to put me down but also to put me out. Now they are endeavoring to preach their kind of doctrine to accomplish this. They did much in this turmoil, but I did not do anything. From the beginning Brother Nee and I have learned the lesson not to take care of these negative things. p. 8
This shows that our suffering is no different than what the Lord Jesus suffered and what the apostles suffered, especially Paul. p. 9
We need to realize that through all of the degradation and chaotic situations, the church is benefited. p. 9
The situation with Judas was under God’s sovereignty to help Him accomplish His economy. In the same way, through the recent turmoil we have been disciplined, educated, and corrected, and many have been tested, stabilized, and established for the furtherance of God’s move in His economy. p. 10
I have been speaking for over half a century, and I have passed through many troubles, but I have never changed my vision. Certain ones spread a lie that Witness Lee was all right up to 1984, but from that time Witness Lee changed and his change affected the nature of the recovery. So these ones desired to be the “heroes” to rescue the recovery out of Witness Lee’s change. p. 10
In these days we have to be for the Lord’s interest by taking care of the Lord and taking care of His Body to discern the real situation.
It was not an easy thing for me to publish the book entitled The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion. I considered very much before the Lord whether or not I should release the facts of the rebellious turmoil stirred up by certain ones. Many of the things that were a mystery to the saints. According to my discernment in the Lord, I eventually felt burdened to let the saints know. I documented every point in that book by writings and by verbal testimonies.