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Old 08-27-2011, 03:25 PM   #74
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Oh pooy, yer caricature of me is false.

And I'm sure if leaders of your Christian group went to law enforcement with leaders from the mosque, and you told them you wanted to share the parking lots and the street parking, they'd be so impressed with your Christian gesture that they would allow it, and would cease ticketing your group.

And God would probably bless your church with increased revenue to more than cover the cost of your parking.

Have a little faith and love your Muslim neighbors too. Jesus didn't say love your neighbors unless they are Muslim.
I think this would be a very interesting suggestion if the Mosque actually came and asked to use our parking. I imagine if a Mosque (and there is a very large one not too far from us with a large parking lot) came to us, uninvited and said "hey, would you guys like to use our parking lot during service" we would find that to be a very strange request. Now if they were truly next door neighbors they might say "we noticed your parking lots are full and ours aren't", but since the Mosque is 10 blocks away, I would feel very strange and very uncomfortable with that request. Not because it is a mosque, but because it comes across as very strange. So, in the same way I expect the Mosque would feel equally uncomfortable with your suggestion coming from us.

Also, I imagine the Mosque would lose out in the deal. Who wants to park 10 blocks away if you can find a parking space closer? But once you open the street up to both groups it may be that they will have to park 10 blocks away. Only, there wouldn't be any room in our parking lot because why would someone at our church park on the street if there were still room in the lot? As I said earlier, we hold 3 meetings on the Lord's day, starting at 8.
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
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