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Old 08-27-2011, 03:23 PM   #73
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Default Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
As it turns out our neighbor is another congregation of Christians and that is the "4th" lot I was referring to as having an agreement. But since our lots are filled and we are in the process of trying to acquire more that would seem to be counterproductive. But, also, the Mosque itself is probably 10 blocks away. I don't think they would want to walk that far, especially since they can park on the street closer.
There is no way that mosque should have received an occupancy permit. Every city has prescribed ratios for mandatory parking spaces. In the rural areas, it may be as high as one parking space per 2 seats, and in the city (with public transportation) it may be as low as one parking space per 10 seats, but parking will be required. I suppose the one exception would be downtown churches, like "the city" of Manhattan, where public parking is available.
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