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Old 08-27-2011, 10:16 AM   #66
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Default Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
When it comes to Christian liberties, however, then new restrictions abound on every level, under the guise of "separation of church and state." Instead of "the state" referring to government interference in church policy and faith, as Jefferson's Federalist Papers indicated, "the state" is now everywhere we look -- at work, in school, retail, public places, programs, sports events, etc.
But the state can't endorse, sponsor, or establish one religion over another. You're disturbed that the state is into all aspects of our lives, and you then want the state to represent one religion over another?

Christians need to stop whining about being persecuted just because they can't get the state to endorse their religion over others.

The problem with Christians that feel this way is that they want a Christian based theocracy ... same as Islam that wants an Islamic theocracy.

What's the difference? None. Both want to push their religion down our throats, and want to use gov'ment to do it.
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