Originally Posted by rayliotta
Ah, I get it now, Dominionists (if the reports are true) value religious freedom, they just don't believe in it!  
Did Ohio say he was a dominionist? It seemed he was talking for himself not the standing of this group. I would prefer to let Ohio speak for himself.
Second, I am well aware of the atrocities and unrighteousness that takes place in countries under Sharia law towards non muslims. I think it was clear that Ohio was referring to this. If you read what Sharia law means any country that adopts it makes all non muslims second class citizens at best.
The reason for the terrible atrocities in Sudan, at least in part, was that the Muslim nations have a block of about 60 countries, kind of like NAFTA. They exert extreme pressure on Nations like Sudan and Nigeria to join. Sudan was viewed as a gateway to Africa and has rich oil and gas resources.
Before getting all huffy over this issue, why not first take a look at what is actually going on. When Bush invaded Iraq one of the key justifications was that Saddam Hussein was a "bad" man. The reality according to Amnesty international is that our Allies, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are considered much worse than Iraq. By contrast Iraq was considered tolerant by Middle Eastern standards. So the idea that we were fighting for truth, justice and the American way was baloney, we were fighting for oil. Iraq has the largest known oil reserves next to Saudi Arabia in the world. Saudi Arabia has booby trapped their oil wells with dirty nuclear bombs so that if anyone tries to seize the oil the entire world will go down in flames (that would be the impact of removing Saudi oil from the world's economy).
Now it is typical that those that learn of the atrocities being perpetrated under the guise of Sharia law are offended at the hypocrisy. Muslims scream bloody murder over the slightest offense in the US (NYC recently got exposed for setting up their own intelligence service to learn about the local muslims and local muslim groups were on the news crying how unjust this was. By all definitions we were attacked with an act of war. Our adversary views this as a holy war between Muslims and infidels, yet our government, charged with protecting us, is supposed to cover their eyes and play dumb?!) yet are completely silent over much worse examples of atrocities perpetrated by their native countries against non muslims. Why didn't these same people make a fuss about what was going on in Sudan, that was clearly much worse.
However, I believe that the key principle here is "to treat others the way you want to be treated" not the way they treat you. Freedom should be both ways, there is no such thing as "religious freedom" in a country that has Sharia law. It is written into the constitution that non muslims are second class citizens. Some are more tolerant than others. Worst case scenario is similar to the book 1984.
Now you may wish to uphold your view of what "freedom of religion" means in this country, but the context is that we are in a holy war. If you stipulate to that, then I think we can have a reasonable discussion. If not, then obviously we can't.