Originally Posted by Ohio
Hey folks, "religious freedom" is today's code words for letting Muslims take over our country. I believe they should have the exact same "religious freedom" that Christians have in Moslem countries.
Recently a Mosque opened about 5 blocks from where I meet. Our congregation has 3 parking lots (which we purchased) and an arrangement for members to park in a fourth lot (which we pay for). Still, that is not adequate, so we have 3 meetings on the Lord's day which must be very exhausting for those that are at the hall for the entire day. However, the Mosque that opened up did not build a parking lot so the Police give them the right to park on the street, where anyone else that parks would get a ticket. For me this is a minor irritant since I am always early enough to park in our lot and the streets haven't been clogged yet when I arrive. But for the Pastor he is truly miffed by this. He is keenly aware that if someone cannot get parking they will not make it to the meeting. Also, having come from a non Christian country where he saw Christians and their congregations treated like second class citizens he is in disbelief that in a so called "Christian" country they are still treated like second class citizens.
That said, I disagree that we should treat Muslims the way Christians are treated in countries operating under Sharia law. Didn't the Lord command us to treat others as you would have them treat us? It would be an affront to our conscience to treat Muslims that way. No one can tell me they would want to be treated the way Christians are treated in a country under Sharia law.