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Old 08-26-2011, 06:49 AM   #42
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Default Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Don't tell me what I don't know. I do know this because I read history and watch the news. "Religious freedom" has nothing to do with "each person being free to arrive at his/her own opinion." "Religious freedom" is what liberal courts and liberal policy makers tell us we can believe.
Before everyone hyperventilates over this comment, the Constitution quotes the Bible and was clearly influenced by the Bible. Likewise the law of this country says it is illegal to kill. That is consistent with the 10 commandments. However, there were pagan religions in the past that had human sacrifice. Would "freedom of religion" give them the right to kill? Similarly, religious leaders in the Muslim religion issue orders to murder people they don't like, observant followers have tried to carry out those orders and sometimes been successful. Does our constitution give them the right to do that? In a country that observes Sharia law that would not be considered illegal, but in this country it is. Clearly, there are many instances where we do not have "freedom of religion" but rather it is what the judiciary defines it as. How about abortion, is that legal or illegal? The Judiciary has to first define at which point a baby is "human" since it is illegal to kill people. To do that they must play God. How about Polygamy? That is part of the Mormon religion but they don't have the freedom to practice it in the vast majority of the United States.

So I think there are many examples in this country of "the freedom of religion" being defined by the judiciary.
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
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