Originally Posted by Ohio
No, I don't believe in religious freedom. God desires all men to be saved.
I'm not use to this. Usually it's me rubbing bro Ohio the wrong way. Now it's the other way around.
Ever since I read this statement quoted by Ohio above I've been disturbed. Ohio says by the way I talk I don't need God. And he's right but wrong. He's right that I don't need any man depicted god.
And now bro Ohio makes a statement that indicates he believes in a dictatorial God, or that God is dictator.
And it's clear from the beginning, ever since the garden, that God is not a dictator ; that God allows and endorses freedom of choice ; that God is into freedom.
So bro Ohio, chalk up one God I don't need, or want, and that is a God that is a dictator. Nor do I want it in my gov'ment, even if it's pure Christianity.
Can you imagine the Living Stream Ministry running our gov'ment? As bro Ray stated : YIKES!!!