Originally Posted by Ohio
You are worried about Dominionism, and we got a Muslim in the White House? Do you have any idea what "scary" really means? Sarah Palin has other issues, but these "extreme views" should be of little concern to conservative Christians.
I used to listen to Terry Gross of Fresh Air, until I so sick of her ramming her liberal bias down our throats.
Obama is a professing Christian just like you. Do you have some reliable evidence to prove otherwise? What if he was a muslim? Are we having a clash of civilizations with them? Wasn't the killing of Osama Bin Laden under Obama's direction enough for you?
If the reports are true, these folks do not believe in religious freedom. They drive stakes into the grounds of mosques and Masonic Temples in order to bring down the principalities and powers that control these religions. It sounds more extreme then Witness Lee and the Local Churches to me.