08-24-2011, 11:43 AM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Greater Ohio
Posts: 13,693
Re: Elvis has left the building
Originally Posted by Ohio
Reading your many posts, similar to this one, one would think that you see no real need for God at all.
Originally Posted by awareness
Why is the reason I make it a problem, cuz it calls into question yer favorite peoples, namely Christians?
Maybe you and bro Ohio haven't seen what I've seen. I've seen a self professed pagan act way more Christian than a outspoken Calvary Chapel Christian in their dealings.
And I personally have been treated more Christian by non-believers than I was by those in the local church. I'll spare you the details which is involved.
Why flinch from reality. Truth is, I've been involved with Christians all my life, and honestly, I don't see any sign that they are any more moral or ethical than non-believers. In fact, when I encounter an outspoken Christian, I've been tricked so many times that, I immediately put up a wall of distrust. So shoot me for learning this kind of lesson in life.
One of my first lessons was being ripped off by an elder in Ft. Lauderdale, not Mel Porter this time, on a roof deal, and then found out he lived a compartmental life, when he stated, "business is business and church is church."
Watchman Nee was surprised to find that Christians lie. Me too.
I saw a bumper sticker one time, " Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven."
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!