Thread: Pray-Reading
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Old 08-24-2011, 09:37 AM   #81
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Default Re: Combating LC Arguments

Originally Posted by kisstheson View Post
Good Lord! This has to be one of the WORST examples of "proof-texting" run amok that I have ever seen. This is ludicrous. Utter rubbish.

I know that all sounds harsh and I apologize for the tone, but someone had to say it, dear brother. The Bible is not our plaything! When we have mastered the PLAIN speaking of the Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles - and there is a great deal of that in the New Testament - then maybe we can start trying to get clever and fancy with allegorizing and proof-texting. May we turn and become as little children and simply obey our Lord and Master.
Our Lord and Master began by telling us to pray "thy will be done". That is where I began with quoting the plain word.

That said, Romans 10:17 "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God" is also a clear word that the word of God is designed to bring us faith.

These verses in the post you are quoting clearly show that faith is an essential component of prayer, you cannot pray without it.

Your car can be perfect in every way, but without gas in the tank it will not be effective at transporting you. So it is perfectly reasonable to say that gasoline is designed for automobiles.

Likewise it is perfectly reasonable to say that the word of God is designed for prayer.

I provided numerous examples of recorded prayers in the OT that clearly involved this principle. OBW is correct in saying that those examples do not prove that the word was designed for prayer, only that others used it for prayer. However, the absence of these examples would cast serious doubt on the assertion that the Bible was designed for prayer. This was related to RG's book whose thesis is that the word of God is designed to be read and prayed.

This forum does not lend itself to 2,000 word responses as OBW pointed out in referring to the verses in another post as a "dissertation". He was also correct to point out that I had not come to the conclusion. Therefore I had to remind other readers that this was a conclusion to numerous other posts.
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
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