Originally Posted by Leomon
Whats important to me is that it is the same God we are worshipping.
After that its all secondary.
Just find a church where you can connect with believers, is doctrinally sound and a place where you can grow as a believer.
All that other stuff is secondary.
yes; our first love is the Lord, and our neighbor. All that other stuff is secondary.
Some will find biblically-based ideals, carefully crafted, which they deem essential to the christian walk, and they will try to take you hostage. Don't do it.
Love God, love your neighbor, forgive one another as you've been forgiven, try not to sin, and don't fall prey to the schemes of the subtle one. He is much more intelligent than we are.
So be simple. Like Caleb and Joshua. "God said go into the good land, so we will go." Don't get distracted by carefully argued, scripturally based models which draw your heart from your first love.
In the LRCs they do profess to love the Lord. And they at least pay some lip service to their neighbor. But their focus is on "the church", and "the ministry", and "the move of the Lord", and "the up-to-date speaking", and "the campus work", and on and on and on. It is like a pantheon of Gods.