Originally Posted by kisstheson
In at least one of the letters which Titus Chu wrote to the BB's, he mentioned that Witness Lee had clearly spoken negative things about some of the BB's as well. TC specifically mentioned that WL stated that Ron Kangas was very proud. I have heard from multiple sources that the legalistic college-age work which WL spoke so strongly against in his 1996 book entitled A Word of Love was the college-age work headed up by Minoru Chen at UC Irvine. At the final message to the 1996 Summer Training, WL ripped into a lot of the BB's and exposed what poor shepherds of the "saints" they were. So, I can believe that WL would have said some negative things about TC since he said so many other negative things about his other co-workers. We should always remember how disappointed and disgusted WL was with the condition of the LRC just before he died.
Dear brother
KisstheSon, occasionally you seem almost sympathetic to WL about how disappointing things had turned out in the Recovery. Perhaps I am wrong here. I too used to take WL's fellowship to heart concerning his frustrations with other brothers.
After reading many others' accounts of events which transpired, I can no longer be sympathetic. WL created a monster of his own doing. WL was abusive to other leaders and totally intolerant to the ideas of other leaders. He forced his followers to become absolutely one with him, absolutely one with his work, and absolutely one with his "office," Phillip Lee, his son. Those who were otherwise minded were expelled, their reputations destroyed, and the rest of the Recovery was properly "educated" about the matter.
And then WL is surprised that the LC's are no different from Laodicea. WL is surprised when the churches are barren? WL is surprised when the campus work under MC, his most ardent lackey, is legalistic? WL is surprised when RK is proud, kind of like his mentor? WL is surprised that TC is so difficult to work with, just like his "spiritual father?" WL is surprised when his closest adherents, personally trained by him for for decades, are such poor shepherds, spending so little of their time actually caring for people?
Is this not hypocrisy? Or perhaps it could be more rightly called insanity -- doing the same things over and over, and expecting different results.