Originally Posted by Ohio
TC battled with some of the Blendeds for decades. None of this was ever made public. GLA leaders always attributed this to religious jealousies and politicking for power. Sometimes WL tried to reconcile differences, and other times he fueled the controversies. No one has ever said that TC is easy to work with, and we also know how much back-biting thrives at LSM.
During one time period, I believe the early 90's, TC was really in the pressure cooker. I don't know the exact details why, but he was inches away from giving up his ministry in Cleveland due to overwhelming pressure from various blendeds. He even discussed his relocation plans. I have also mentioned how TC was abusive at times to other brothers in the GLA. Abuse is just a way of life for LC leaders -- be a lackey or be abused.
This forum has been a real eye opener into the backroom dynamics at LSM. The most valuable info does not come from scoffers who cry the c-word, but those snippets of actual accounts by those who witnessed them. I have concluded that LSM is a cesspool of politics, much the same as we see in our capital.
I was privy to a lot of backbiting concerning TC, especially in Taipei. I gave that a nod in my response letter to his excommunication when I pointed out that if WL was aware of all these things concerning TC, as the BBs allege, yet didn't feel to excommunicate him, why are the BBs?