Thread: Pray-Reading
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Old 08-24-2011, 05:43 AM   #70
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: context, context, context

Originally Posted by rayliotta View Post
I disagree, it's really not hard to imagine. It's harder to imagine that their booklet written in defense of "pray reading" actually had nothing to do with their own practice of "pray reading" at all!!

Couldn't you say the same thing about any number of books on "the ground" or "the oneness" which were actually used to defend the standing of a very sectarian group?

Z, didn't RG himself tell you the story about Mr. Wood-eye?
That is funny. I did hear that story in Houston but not from RG. He did not speak jokes like that while ministering. RG was quite puritanical.

Are you talking about books from WL? WL did not go around asking others to write books to be published by the LSM. If he or the legal team was going to ask someone, there were quite a few scholars and Bible scholars in the LRC, why of all people would they ask RG? I think you guys have him confused with RK or someone. This guy is comfortable as a foreman on a job site, not as a scholar in a debate.
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