Thread: Pray-Reading
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Old 08-23-2011, 07:00 PM   #57
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Default Re: Combating LC Arguments

Hello dear ones. I have to admit that my respect for Ray Graver's book entitled Lord . . . Thou Saidst has plummeted since this discussion began. I still like the contents of the book, but the reason it was written was very disingenuous, to say the least. Based upon LSM's own words in the booklet entitled Pray Reading the Word, other Christians had PLENTY to be concerned about regarding LSM's version of pray-reading.

There is absolutely nothing in Ray Graver's book which defends LSM's version of pray-reading. Nothing! The clearest NT example of an assembly incorporating Scripture into their prayer is given in Acts 4:24-26. This account is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from the high volume, pep-rally, 6.7 6.7 cadence, chop-the-scriptures-up-into-tiny-pieces, "close your mind", "no time to use your mind" approach to pray-reading promoted by LSM. Dear brother Ray Graver - if you are reading this post, you desperately need to repent! Writing a book to document how other dear ones have used the Scriptures in their prayers and have prayed as the read the Scriptures actually condemns LSM's approach since LSM's approach to pray-reading is NOTHING LIKE what we see in the Scriptures or what we see in the testimony of church history.

There is a HUGE chasm between George Whitefield on his knees tearfully reading his Bible and praying over what he read to obtain strength to carry out his campaigns of soul-winning vs. LRC meetings where the pep-rally, rapid-paced, shout-reading takes place.

I don't know Ray Graver's heart at the time of writing, but the purpose of his book was extremely disingenuous. Between this book and Witness Lee's lies while under oath in court, I am INCREDIBLY SICKENED by the whole WL/LSM charade in their so-called "defense". What a bunch of phonies! There is such a blatant disparity between the image LSM tries so hard to publicly display and the true inner workings of their sectarian, aberrant, sick little group. I am no fan of The God Men or The Mind Benders, but I am finding out all the time that other Christians had plenty to be concerned about with LSM and the LRC.

Sorry for the strong language, but finding out the real history behind this book that I have always admired really makes me want to vomit!
"The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better."
Richard Rohr, Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality
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