Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing
Hello dear brother Terry,
As far as this information is concerned, this comes directly from Dan Towle's speaking at Whistler. Dan Towle definitely said all of this.
In at least one of the letters which Titus Chu wrote to the BB's, he mentioned that Witness Lee had clearly spoken negative things about some of the BB's as well. TC specifically mentioned that WL stated that Ron Kangas was very proud. I have heard from multiple sources that the legalistic college-age work which WL spoke so strongly against in his 1996 book entitled A Word of Love was the college-age work headed up by Minoru Chen at UC Irvine. At the final message to the 1996 Summer Training, WL ripped into a lot of the BB's and exposed what poor shepherds of the "saints" they were. So, I can believe that WL would have said some negative things about TC since he said so many other negative things about his other co-workers. We should always remember how disappointed and disgusted WL was with the condition of the LRC just before he died.
Apparently, some heard this word about TC and would not let it go and they put pressure on the core BB's to not allow TC to speak at the "Seven Feasts" conferences and trainings.
"The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better."
Richard Rohr, Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality