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Old 08-23-2011, 05:46 PM   #189
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing

Originally Posted by kisstheson View Post

Interestingly, it was this same "ultra-conservative" wing in the LSM-loyal churches who protested loud and clear to the BB's about Titus Chu. If you listened closely to Dan Towle at Whistler, he clearly mentioned how the BB's in the 1990's originally wanted the BB's to be a rather large and inclusive group. Some in the LC's, however, remembered some of the negative things WL had said privately about TC and they insisted to the BB's that TC not be allowed to speak at the trainings and conferences. The BB's caved in to this pressure.
I find this difficult to believe. IF WL did say some things privately about Titus Chu, it is more plausible the audience was informal. I had never heard Witness Lee say anything negative about Titus Chu. Has anyone on this board? So when I read references to things allegedly spoken by Witness Lee, I refer to Ron Kangas' speaking from 2007, "There is a statement made about Brother Lee; you can’t ask Brother Lee about it." Of course not. Brother Lee isn't among us to affirm or deny what he said about Titus Chu.
Where's the documentation?
Talk about caving into pressure. Where is the pressure? I never heard of any. If the blended brothers was meant to be inclusive, how come some were joyful when Gene Gruhler left Anaheim for Denver?
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