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Old 08-23-2011, 02:06 PM   #12
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Default Re: Elvis has left the building

Originally Posted by Leomon View Post

Compassion may not enter society only through Christianity. I agree with that. The question is where did compassion come from. If you believe in a God who created human beings, God also created beings who had freedom of choice who are moral agents and exercisers of morality.

I don't doubt that their are some if not many non-Christians who have shown more compassion and done more good deeds than other Christians.

My question is the consistency dilemma. If you do no believe in a God than why seek moral justice, freedom and relief from suffering? Because you or they matter? Hardly, humans are just a bunch of carbon, oxygen and water with some chemical reactions. The universe doesnt care so why sacrifice yourself to do good? In fact their is no definition of Good and Evil as it is entirely subjective. What is the reason.. I dont question that their nice people if not more, but my question would be why, whats the point or motivation?

I say the Golden Rule was invented by God and passed through our generations regardless of religion or not. Its the only way to live sanely. Otherwise everything would be one chaotic chemical reaction. Religion paved the way for human beings to be a means to an end rather than just a means. We have intrinsic moral value due to the fact that we were created by God who loves us.

Sorry for my rambling
No need for apology, your rambling posits some good points.

I might point out, however, that the Golden Rule needs no god. It makes since if I'm honest with myself. That which I don't like done to me, I shouldn't do to others. That which I like done to me, I should do to others. It operates out of honesty with myself. No god needed.
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