Thread: Pray-Reading
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Old 08-23-2011, 12:44 PM   #49
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Default Re: Combating LC Arguments

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
One practice I really enjoyed back in 1981 through 1983 was writing songs. It was a labor that took the whole week. You would fellowship over a message, the verses, your experience. You would try and write a song, maybe you would only contribute a line or two, then you would work on the meter, and if possible polish up the rhyme. Hopefully by the Lord's table you would have a song to sing. Saints were mailing songs between churches. It was a very profitable practice, don't know why it was stopped.
In the GLA, many have been active song writers. For a while, after LSM "canonized" the supplement, the practice was discouraged, but after WL passed away, TC no longer felt he needed to succumb to every whim of WL. The GLA even has a new hymnal, less every WL song, along with numerous young people song books. If I wasn't so tone-deaf, I might have got involved.

Since the mid-70's, I was constantly condemned by my apologetic cousin and others for the LC practices of pray-reading, calling on the Lord, etc. I found all of these practices far less objectionable than the Catholic confessionals, which, btw, also had minimal Biblical support. The Jonestown tragedy spooked a lot of people into thinking anything slightly different is supposedly dangerous. How dangerous can "shout-reading" be? Did you ever hear the sing-song preaching of Pentecostal ministers? That, to me, is far worse.

Somebody hit them with that 4 letter c-word!
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