Originally Posted by UntoHim
Who called anybody “mindless”? Please point that post out to me. I hope you have a lot of time on your hands cause you’re not going to find it. I think you may find some of us criticizing the mindless way that pray-reading is practiced in the Local Church. Sorry ZNP, but your saying that “I didn’t pray-read that way” is not a good defense of the practice of pray-reading as it has been practiced in the LC since the early days.
No one called anyone mindless. My point, though I clearly did not explain it, was that one observation that would support pray reading being a mindless form of prayer is that after years of practicing it those that practice it would themselves seem to be mindless. So I pointed out that I have not observed this even though with all of the saints I met you would have thought I would.
Since most of our prayer life is done in secret, in our closet, I cannot assume to know who is praying in a mindless way (ie your quote about praying with the mind).
You clearly misunderstand my posts on this thread, I am not defending the way pray reading is practiced in the LRC. As KTS has so clearly illuminated, things have changed since WL died. I have not met with the LRC since WL died. 15 years is a long time, I have no idea how it is practiced.
I did point out that when I was in the LRC it was not true to say that everyone practiced it the same way. I gave an illustration with 4 people that most saints would have met had they visited NY, especially if they took hospitality in NY.
Obviously I have been in many meetings that the practice occurred just like OBW described. What I noticed and has not been brought out here, is that in a meeting of 200 saints it was rarely more than 15 saints who would dominate the meeting with that practice. That means over 90% were not active in all of that. So I am not defending the practice, what I am defending is what Paul said "Who are you, O man, to judge another man's servant, to his own Lord he stands or falls".