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Old 08-23-2011, 09:12 AM   #26
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Did the Catholic Church Create Europe?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
The Catholic Church simply replaced one Roman dictator for another. Both persecuted and tortured believers.

Not that I have anything good to say about Roman motives, but at least under the Caesars, Math, Science, Medicine, and Engineering were promoted, and not viewed as threats to the power of the priests.

I believe all regions, absent the liberty of the Spirit, suppress the civilized world.
Whoa! I am all for science and math but lets be clear, it was clever mathematicians who created this entire market in derivative swaps, basically swindling US home owners out of their life savings. The idea that they couldn't forsee the collapse is a lie designed to help them make off with their loot. Hitler wanted to use medicine to design a master race and to exterminate the Jews. Science and engineering are giving us better and better ways to kill other people with nuclear weapons, drones, etc.

This is just like the Lord said in Genesis about guarding the way to the tree of life from fallen man. In the hands of a regenerated man these advances may truly be characterized as advances, but in the hand of a megalomaniac it is a scary thing.
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
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