08-23-2011, 08:58 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 7,105
Re: Combating LC Arguments
Originally Posted by Ohio
Probably the single greatest difference between the edifying praying of scripture by numerous men of God, as recorded in Graver's book, and what was often promoted in the LC's by LSM, could be characterized by the Lord's instruction in the "Sermon on the Mount." Here He admonishes the disciples not to pray as the "hypocrites" but to pray to your heavenly Father in secret "in your closet." He also warns them not to "repeat empty words." (Matt 6.5-8)
Once LSM began to promote these public "prayers," giving them a structured format, with a cadence accompanied by somewhat robotic "Amens," it was not very long until the LC's fell into the danger of "praying like the Gentiles." Firstly, the danger of praying before man, and not praying from the heart, is a very real danger indeed. It doesn't matter if the words of the Bible are used. The nature of prayer has been changed. This is why the Lord warned the disciples.
Secondly, repetitive "amens" of a public nature, can force prayer into a man-pleasing performance. Bad habits become self-reinforcing, since they are loudly promoted by the entire congregation. Genuine prayer gives way to robotic repetitions, as the "Amen-volume" is cranked up. I strongly promote the praying of scripture, and I equally discourage the repetitive shouting of verse-slogans. The two practices have nothing in common. Unfortunately LSM has messed up the whole thing, to the damage of many a LC'er prayer life.
I have a theory on this. I believe that if you are living in sin and then forced to stand up in front of the entire assembly of the church and pray you will feel like all of your sins are open for all to see. Therefore you need a fig leaf. Once the LRC closed their eyes to the sins around them they needed a fig leaf and that is when the practice of pray reading and other practices really became nothing but a front to pretend they were spiritual, just like the hypocrites Jesus warned of.
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God