Rome did use the confessional to "
control greedy secular leaders," and to further curtail their "greedy ways," extorted massive sums of money via blackmail from these leaders, since Rome and its thugs alone controlled the "gates to heaven." Not only did the papal empire deal with those "
greedy leaders," they also dealt a serious blow to all those "
greedy" peasants all over Europe. Rome felt it was better for them to starve to death, then to go to hell for the sins of "
Fortunately for the continent of Europe, none of Rome's many bishops, priests, and monks were at all "
No, of course not! And, by the way, how dare those young newly-married grooms be so "
greedy," and not share their virgin brides with the local priests.
I could go on and on about how Rome has "properly" dealt with secular "
greed," but I should move on to the subjects of medicine, engineering, astronomy, physics, agriculture, etc. which all went seriously backwards under Roman management. Then we can discuss how Europe got "
Christianized" -- many were given the choice to be
baptized in water or be
drowned in water.
Igzy which history books have you been reading?