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Old 08-22-2011, 11:01 AM   #33
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Weekly Revival Reading - Your Opinion?

Originally Posted by Leomon View Post
I do not know why they have different terminology. One of the reasons OBW said is that it a sense of spiritual superiority that they use those terms. Could be maybe.
I also believe this is true. Case in point: The leaders especially WLee never fellowshipped w/people outside the 'Lord's Recovery'. The saints (not in a position of 'authority') did and still do (those that are 'active participants') but by & large, they want to bring them into the LR. That is why they 'fellowship' w/outsiders. If a person in the LR marries someone outside the LR, even if the LR person is not all 'gung ho' rarely does an LR person leave Lee's ministry to be in another's ministry.

One sharing was awkward, he was saying why do you need a Pastor? Its not in the bible? Whats the point?
The only reason the person said made this comment is because he/she does not know/read the Bible. He /she is what former LCrs call a 'parrot'. Someone in authority said this so it must be true. Pastors are shepherds. The LR has 'elders' do they not? These 'elders' are their substitute word for 'pastors'.
They had elders when I was around. And I think they still do because they have meeting halls which is another term for church building which they will not use. The 'elders' have the keys to their church buildings, I mean 'meeting halls'. They have a board of directors too and once a year distribute with the congregants their bookkeeping records. Someone has to appoint them as 'elders'. I know they have 'elders' conferences for 'elders' only.

I don't know what the RcV says in their translation but most translations use the word pastors in Ephesians 4:11. One can also find the word pastors in the KJ in Jeremiah.

I wanted to say... like.. why do you need Witness Lee he is your spiritual leader and "pastor" so I dont see you point. anyways yeah...
Lee was not their 'pastor'. He was the 'oracle' on the earth 'today'. Their point is they want to be as different from Christianity as Hawaii is from Nevada. But both states are part of the USA.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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