Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
I saw the booklet prior to 1981, but it may be that the LSM published it in 1981. What I saw was clearly something that RG had put together prior to being published. I may be mistaken but I think KR helped him with his research.
Before leaving the LC, around 80/81, I heard rumblings of this booklet, even read some of it at one point, tho it may have been after the LC.
The booklet is nothing but an attempt to justify and legitimize the practice of pray-reading that, anyone on the outside of the LC thought to look like crazy mindless parroting of words in the Bible. It's purpose to validate that mindless insanity, that : pray reading the Bible would result in magic transformation ... when all that the transformation resulted in was attending meetings, conferences, and such, and acting like a bunch of crazies at large from the insane asylum.