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Old 08-20-2011, 12:52 PM   #167
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Default Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
There never was anything but good between us. I only asked for clarification on your post since I have UBS3 and you have the later UBS4, which has another index which mine does not have.

Igzy brought up the point that SofS was just romantic in nature, and why should it be anything more. I am not sure either way, but since none of us is poetically fluent in the ancient Hebrew language, we really can't appreciate the song for what it is. Neither do we have the musical accompaniment, which, knowing Solomon, might have been symphonic with opera-like singers.

Since their is no N.T. mention, do you know how long it has been since the church has first interpreted the SofS allegorically?
Here's an interesting site on allegory of SofS, before and after Christianity.....
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