Thread: Pray-Reading
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Old 08-20-2011, 10:56 AM   #3
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Default Re: Combating LC Arguments

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Was Ray Graver's booklet on pray reading the same one that sort of introduced it back in the early 70s or late 60s? If so, I recall that there was much discussion a couple of years ago around it and it was far from certain that the thing in the booklet we were discussing was really the same thing as all those great men and women of the faith had done before.

I would agree that praying with the word is a significant thing. But the kind of thing that was taughti this booklet taught to divorce the words from each other in such a manner that they no longer constituted sentences and thought within context. Unlike the declaration in that booklet, it was not "the way" to take in the scripture/word of God.

Maybe this thing written by Ray is not the one we were talking about then.
Hello again, dear brother OBW,

Are you referring to the book entitled "Lord . . . Thou Saidst" compiled by Ray Graver and published by Living Stream Ministry in 1981? That book was reprinted by LSM at some point in the 2000's. That book contains quotations from Scripture and from various Christian authors throughout Church History regarding "reading the Scriptures in an attitude or prayer" and "praying based upon the Scriptures".

The testimonies recorded in that book are all are a far cry from the "Shout Reading" which focuses on repeating single words or short phrases from Scripture, inserting some sporadic prayers, that the LRC calls "Pray Reading".

There is a little booklet published by LSM entitled "Pray Reading the Word" which explains the LRC practice of "Pray Reading". If I remember correctly from a long ago post by dear brother Hope, it was Benson Phillips who actually wrote that booklet back in the late 1960s/early 1970s, even though Witness Lee's name appears on the booklet.
"The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better."
Richard Rohr, Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality
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