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Old 08-20-2011, 09:41 AM   #27
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Default Re: Weekly Revival Reading - Your Opinion?

Originally Posted by rayliotta View Post
As I remember it, it was part of the "high peak revelation", and came out around the same time as "God became man to make man something-or-other". I guess the idea of "mingling" wasn't strong enough, or confusing enough, so in the mid-nineties it turned out the two beings would be "incorporated", consummating in the NJ...
Oh my dear brother rayliotta! "Incarnation, inclusion, intensification" . . . I am having flashbacks of 1996! Yes, yes . . . 1996 . . . Witness Lee is still alive . . . Titus Chu and Brother Dong in Brazil are not yet "rebels" . . . Steve Isitt is not yet "the man of death" . . . the "rebels" are John Ingalls, Bill Mallon, and John So . . . "high peak" speaking . . . The "Lord's Recovery" has entered a "New Age" with a "New Language" . . . Crystallization Studies . . . PSRP . . . huge emphasis on "Blending" . . . the local churches are merely the procedure; the "Body" is the goal . . . Trainings at the Ball Road facility . . . Vital Groups . . . the NT book of James has been trashed . . .

OK. I am back in the here and now. Your timeline is basically correct, but needs just a few adjustments. The very first mention of the "high peak utterance" (i.e. "God became man . . . etc. etc.) was back in the Life Study of Jeremiah training in 1991. The "high peak utterance" picked up a lot of steam during the 1993 Winter Training on 1 and 2 Samuel. 1994 was "The Year of the High Peak Utterance" complete with banners and training songs and messages full of the "high peak utterance", culminating in the "New Hymn" which was unveiled during the Winter 1994 Training on 1&2 Chronicles/Ezra/Nehemiah/Esther.

The speaking on "incorporation" was a 1996 phenomenon. This was first mentioned by WL in some messages given in Anaheim in April and June 1996 (most of us did not know about those messages at the time). The first widespread mention of "incorporation" occurred during the 1996 Summer Training ("Crystallization Study on the Gospel of John") and then the 1996 Thanksgiving Conference was basically dedicated to the matter of "incorporation". This term came up again many times during the 1996 Winter Training (WL's last training).
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